Establish a Referral Marketing Engine to Boost Profits

Establish a Referral Marketing Engine to Boost Profits

Ultimately, word-of-mouth marketing, or referrals, is rooted in your existing “Human Capital”—the people you are already engaged with, including customers and referral partners. If you haven’t been actively seeking referrals from your clients, they might not realize that your business relies on their recommendations and those of the people they refer to you. It’s crucial to condition your clients for the “ASK.” While it might feel uncomfortable initially, instituting a policy to request referrals is essential. The asking process can take various forms, including verbal requests, promotional flyers for referral campaigns, customer appreciation days, newsletters, email requests, or providing clients with multiple business cards to share with their network.

Crafting a smooth and comfortable ask script tailored to each person, ensuring it remains non-intimidating to prospects or clients, is vital. Regularly practice the ask script every two weeks as a team, emphasizing the importance of making training a priority.

Don’t delay any further! Begin saving time, energy, and money today.

Cease relying on constant discounts to attract customers. Instead, earn what you deserve and diminish the need to devalue your expertise and services through discounts or falling victim to “PROFIT” predators like Groupon. Build a recession-proof business founded on reputation and quality service. Establish a referral marketing engine and concentrate on expanding your business by leveraging your most valuable asset: Human Capital.

EPluribus Massey


EPluribus Massey is a certified fitness expert, wellness provider, speaker and business consultant. With more than 30 years training and coaching, health & wellness and personal development understanding, he has vast knowledge of motivational skills in personal and professional performance and healthier lifestyles.